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In addition to the Instagram Shopping feature that is currently available in the app, Instagram recently rolled out Instagram Checkout. Checkout allows customers to complete purchases in the app itself without being redirected to a web browser. This is just one of the many new ways that Instagram is helping businesses promote their e-commerce store […]
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It’s true, iPad giveaways, funny t-shirts, and live product demos are cliché, but you don’t need tacky conference “swag” to effectively generate new leads or reach your target customer at a trade show or conference. Use Twitter. Here’s how to use Twitter ads to help you generate more traffic at your conference, and on your […]
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Have you ever wondered how social media influencers can help you to grow your business? In this information age, everybody is a businessperson. We don’t need to own a product or a service to start our own business. The savviest business owners understand that people don’t buy products/services. Instead, they buy a brand name, convenience, solution […]
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“Business has only two functions – marketing and innovation,” said writer Milan Cundera. We spend an immense amount of time and energy on the latter while hesitating to spend money on the former. Meanwhile study after study proves that marketing leads to a larger ROI and a stronger long-term business strategy. Companies shouldn’t be afraid […]
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Today, most online businesses rely on Facebook advertising to generate sales and ROI. According to the latest stats, Facebook reached up to 2 billion monthly visitors, which for marketers is great news. The biggest benefit of advertising with Facebook is the opportunity you get to advertise on Instagram and Messenger as well. But when it […]