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Is your business having trouble closing on sales in your pipeline? Do you have trouble following up on sales opportunities in a timely manner? This might be due to your lack of customer relationship management. Many businesses fall victim to these same issues, but luckily for you, there is an easy solution to those problems. […]
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According to a study by the Direct Marketing Association, you can expect an average return of $42 for every $1 you spend on implementing an email marketing calendar for your business. In other words, email marketing isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Because of this, as an eCommerce business, it is a no-brainer and vastly […]
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As 2021 begins, eCommerce is showing no signs of slowing down. Consequently, online retailers will have more competition than ever. For this very reason, it is more important than ever to develop strong eCommerce strategies for your business. Especially due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, more and more store owners are racing to integrate their […]
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Imagine this: a new customer sees an eCommerce store’s ad online. They’re interested in style and fashion, and they love the images of the custom jewelry shown on their Instagram page. Later that day, the prospective customer decides to visit their website to learn more about the brand and products, but they’re not ready to […]
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In addition to the Instagram Shopping feature that is currently available in the app, Instagram recently rolled out Instagram Checkout. Checkout allows customers to complete purchases in the app itself without being redirected to a web browser. This is just one of the many new ways that Instagram is helping businesses promote their e-commerce store […]